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News on Folder Maker

Dec 20, 2000  
We accept  payment in USD or in Euro.

Quick Menu

1.  Introduction

2.  Install Folder Maker

3.  How to uninstall

4.  Use Folder Maker

5.  Tips

6.  Special Notice

7.  How to register



Dec 28, 2000 

Folder Maker 2.0 first released.


Links Useful













Folder Maker 2.0                             


Folder Maker is an easy folder creator. It can promptly 
create a batch of folders which are with a same main name 
and an increscent extension. Folder Maker is really an 
useful helper in organizing files in your hard disk.

Folder Maker help you create a tidy and classified file 
System, promptly and elegantly.

Foldermaker v2.0 runs on Win95/98/NT/ME/2000. 

Running image here:

Install Folder Maker

Folder Maker is distributed in a single file folders.exe. To install it, just double click it and follow its request. 

After installation, you will find a group named 'Folder Maker' in 'Start button' 'Program menu' with 3 subitems.

      Folder Maker v2.0

Just click item 'Folder Maker v2.0' to run it. 

How to uninstall

Uninstallation is just as easy as installation. Just click 
item 'Uninstall' to do it.

Use Folder Maker

Folder Maker is designed to create or remove folders promptly.

Create sub-folders:

     +First run Folder Maker. 
     +Choose a folder in the right treeview box , below which
       sub-folders are to be created.
     +Enter main folder name in the 'Folder name' edit-box.
     +Enter the number of sub-folders in 'How many' edit-box.
     +Choose an increscent extension you like in 'Extension' 
     +Click 'Create' button to create sub-folders. 
     +Sub-folders created will be showed in the treeview box 

Remove Sub-folders:

     +First run Folder Maker. 
     +Choose a folder in the right treeview box , below which 
       sub-folders are to be removed.
     +Enter main folder name in the 'Folder name' edit-box.
     +Enter the number of sub-folders in 'How many' edit-box.
     +Choose the right increscent extension in 'Extension' 
     +Click 'Delete' button to delete sub-folders. 
     +Changes will be showed in the treeview box    

Run Folder Maker in icontray:

      +Click 'Hide' button on the bottom bar to hide to
      +Click Folder Maker icon in icon tray to restore it to
        normal interface. Or click right mouse button when
        cursor is on Folder Maker icon in icontray to popup
        menu. Choose to show main window or choose to exit.


   +After sub-folders are created, you can click 'Delete' to  
     removed them immediately , without resetting the main
     folder name and the number of sub-folders.

   +If you move cursor onto 'Folder Name' edit-box and 
     click right button of mouse, a menu will popup. There are
     four presetted main folder names for you to choose.

   +If you move cursor onto 'How Many' edit-box and click 
     right button of mouse, a popup menu will appear. There 
     are three presetted numbers.

   +When cursor is in the right treeview box, click right 
      mouse button, a menu with three items will popup. 
      Then you can use them instead of 'Create' button, 
      'Delete' button or 'Help' button on the top bar.

    +It will be efficient in most cases if you choose to operate
      in following sequence:

              +Enter 'Folder Name' and 'How Many' .
              +Choose 'Extension'.
              +Choose father folder in treeview box.
              +Click right mouse button.
              +Click 'Create Sub-folders' or 'Delete Sub-folders' to 
                create or remove sub-folders. 

Special Notice

Lower cases and Upper cases:

  +Windows doesn't differ lower cases and upper cases 
     in file name or folder name. So if there are already folders
    with 'A''B''C' extension, there will be no change if you  
    choose to create folders with same main folder name and  
    with 'a''b''c' lower cases extension. 

  +When deleting , situation is similar. Remember windows  
     thinks TeamA' and 'Teama' same. 

  +Folder Maker only delete folders which are empty. If a  
    folder is not empty, you cannot delete it or replace it with  
    a new empty folder with same name. 

  +It means your data is safe when you use Folder Maker. 
    When there are files in a folder, you cannot remove this  
    folder by delete it or replace it with a new folder with 
    same name. 

How to register

Run Folder Maker. Click 'About' button. Write down the 
Serial Number. Then visit our website at 
Click 'Buy Now' to register. Register Fee is US$8.50. We also accept Euro payment. Register Fee is about Euro 9.30. ( It depends on exchange rate. )

Our another website at http://zctdco.webjump.com is also 
available for registeration. 

The On-line payment service is provided by ShareIt , which is a leading company in shareware trading. The payment link is secured. 

Register Code will be sent to you immediately by email after your payment.
After it is received, just click 'about' and fill the Username and Register Code in the editbox. Then click button 'register'. 

After registeration, you also get our free upgrade service and tech support Service. Please feel free to email us at 
Email: zctdco@public.xm.fj.cn

Any message from you is welcome.


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Folder Maker

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   Folder Maker 2.0


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Contact Us:  Our detail information is as follow. Please feel free to contact us if you meet any question. 
ASB Software Studio ADD: Room B14, 4/F, Hang Wai Industrial Bldg.,Kin Tai Street, Tuen Mun, N.T., Hong Kong
 Tel/ Fax 86-598-3643389 Contact: Richard Zhang Website1: http://www.kzips.com/zctdco Website2: https://members.tripod.com/kzipper  Website3:http://go2.163.com/~zctdco   Email 1: zctdco@kzips.com Email 2:support@kzips.com    



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